What's your opinion about drug use in sports? Do you think most professional athletes use illegal drugs?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What's your opinion about drug use in sports? Do you think most professional athletes use illegal drugs?
180 answers:
2008-04-14 13:54:17 UTC
Not most professional athletes but some. And i think its stupid and bad. I mean how do you expect your fans to call you a true player if you're not being true to yourself?
Utopian Friend
2008-04-14 14:20:51 UTC
It's cheating, plain & simple. The new drug of choice is growth hormones. Basically they are saying to everyone, that they're not good enough to compete with their God Given Bodies or talent, so they use enhancements. Not a sports-man-like message to send to the sports playing youth, who dream of following these athletes footsteps one day.

And I'm just talking about stimulant drugs for sport enhancement, no ones discussing the illegal narcotics many use off the sports arena. I can't fathom why they are idolized so? The ethics & integrity of fair play & sportsmanship means very little these days.
2008-04-20 04:07:35 UTC
Some of them do. Thats why some of them also die... Its kind of stupid but they want to be always better and better and cant find their own limits...
2008-04-19 11:28:04 UTC
Sadly, in most sports I think there is a lot of drug use, but it is more covert than we thought. Let's look at major league baseball. If Roger Clemens used a hormone concoction to keep himself strong and pitching into his 40's without anyone being the wiser of even the slightest possibility... Wow, that shows us all that this can be and is very well hidden and that it is rampant throughout the sport.

Any kind of Human Growth Hormone or so called "natural" stimulant that is used to pump up the body's natural reactions to a stimulus is much like a drug. Kreatine, though a natural substance can work like a steroid... A readily available steroid that you can get at any health food store! It is for all intents and purposes a performance enhancing drug...

I think that there are some totally honest athletes out there who use no stimulants, vitamins, hormones, what ever to be the best at their sport. Sadly, I think they are few and far between. Drugs and sports have just simply become a right of passage. Everybody is doing it, whether they really are or not because every one needs an edge or angle.
2008-04-14 18:40:31 UTC


May as well just put every athlete on the drugs. This way everyone is super-drugged and then only people with the actual talent, plus drugs will win, as opposed to the people with the drugs in their systems.

But I'm a pessimist. Plus, I find competitive sports bothersome.
2008-04-15 14:06:04 UTC
i think its soooo bad. its like cheating.

i guess some people do use doesnt make it any more right though.

it takes away the whole thing of athleticism.

its like ruining the sport you love.

so many people idol professional, but its almost like they're's not really them playing the game. it's not THEY'RE talent...
Darlene L
2008-04-15 04:25:37 UTC
I don't think so. I think we only hear of those who do in the media because that kind of thing sells, so we hear more of it. It seems the more negative the story is, the more we hear of it so it seems like a lot of professional atheletes use illegal drugs. On the whole, I am thinking most don't. But I can't really tell for sure... at least I hope most don't! I think if they do, that is really sad. To use something that can harm you just to be better than anyone else is a very sad thing. And if you do win, or become 'the best', how can someone enjoy it or sleep at night when they know they have cheated to get there?
Bob North
2008-04-15 00:59:20 UTC
No, I think a lot of the ones kicking around in the minor leagues trying to break through or get something that will take them to the next level are probably experimenting with drugs. I'd say hockey has the least amount of illegal drug users, followed by basketball. I suspect steroids are quite prevelant in baseball and football.

I'm sure theres a ton of it going on in MMA, but I could be wrong.
2008-04-14 21:33:27 UTC
I don't think steroids or any drugs that enhance your performance should be used but the argument that it is not natural and gives poorer athletes an advantage shouldn't be used because one could say the same thing about a player wearing contacts or glasses as they give you an un-natural advantage
Orion S
2008-04-14 20:16:27 UTC
I am certain many do. The stakes are high and the competition is exceptional. Using drugs can be the difference between a multi-million dollar contract or waiting for your turn to be a pro athlete. Now, what most people don't understand is that performance enhancers don't give you super human strength, they let your body heal faster so you can work out more. You still have to do the work!
2008-04-14 19:23:29 UTC
Whether professional or amateur, athletes can be under enormous pressure to produce, to excel, to win. And the current "If you're not a winner, you're a loser" attitude just adds to that pressure. It is understandable that some would look for illegal ways to increase strength, speed, stamina. Not admirable, but understandable.

But drug use in sports diminishes the game, whether it is baseball, basketball, hockey or any other sport, whether the drug is to enhance performance or if it's 'recreational'. They diminish the stature and the reputations of those who take them.

I think the majority of athletes are clean - it's the ones who use who make the headlines, of course, but the media won't get much play out of "Today it was discovered that the (pick your team or group of athletes) tested negative for any form of drugs".
2008-04-15 07:49:16 UTC
I don't think most do, but obviously a lot do. The problem as I see it is threefold.

1. Most obvious, is it's cheating, it takes the sport from being man vs. man, seeing who is truly the best and who has worked the hardest to being man vs. science, and who has the "better" doctor. It defeats the purpose of sports which is to inspire people to achieve higher levels of achievement.

2. The media splashes it everywhere when an athlete is found using drugs. It allows players to use drugs as a method to gain attention, but also creates the illusion that all athletes are on drugs. This is a serious problem because it makes developing athletes feel that the only way they will be able to compete at a professional level is to use drugs themselves. Not because they don't think their natural ability is good enough, but because if they don't they won't be competing in a fair way.

3. These athletes are role models. Even kids who maybe aren't interested in competing professionally may be influenced to try drugs to get bigger or look better since they see their favourite professional athlete using drugs with no apparent ill affects. Problem is they don't have a team of medical experts to make sure these drugs are being administered "properly" and could lead to even more serious side affects than what a professional may be experiencing.

It is a serious problem, but other than athletes taking responsibility themselves, and making a moral choice instead of a selfish one, I don't see how it can be completely eliminated.
2008-04-15 05:41:43 UTC
I think there are more than 2 questions here. By "drug use" we must separate first, performance enhancing v.s. not. We also should look more closely at "drugs" themselves. Coffee contains a drug, as does chocolate. I am sure these are not what is meant.

Marijuana and others are illegal in some countries while not (entirely) in others. So I am not sure if legality is the real issue here.

I think many professional athletes use illegal drugs. Remembering that different places have different rulings on "illegal" drugs.

Should we strip a world class athlete of his/her glory due to alcohol or marijuana use? No, these did not help the athlete.

Should we kick athletes who "cheat" by using performance enhancers out of their particular sport?

Hell yes!

And I don't believe there should be any "second chance" clauses.

Finally, to those with the "Mr. Mackey" opinion of "Mmm drugs are bad. Mmm-kay". This seems like a very ignorant opinion. Remember the 1920's? Well, neither do I, but alcohol was illegal in America. Does that mean alcohol is/was bad? Remember that guy who turned water into wine? Mmm-kay?
Ian F
2008-04-14 23:14:13 UTC
Yes I think most professional athletes use illegal drugs. This doesn't exclude narcotics which may not have an enhancing effect on their performances though.

Now simply because something is illegal doesn't make it morally wrong, alcohol was illegal in the states at one time yet legal in Canada- did that mean the Amercans were morally superior? Look at what is legal and illegal in various countries around the world and you'll have your eyes opened about what it "right."

My opinion is that there are enough enhancers out there that legal and there will be more too. Steroids obviously help with recovery but I doubt Muhammad Ali used them, and I doubt Foreman or Lewis or Frasier did either. I doubt Anderson Silva uses them and I doubt Gretzky or Lemieux did either. If those guys don't or didn't then what does that tell you?

To the idiot poster who stated UFC is not a sport, well thank you for your astute command of the obvious. UFC is a promotion you moron- MMA is a sport!
Jason B
2008-04-14 18:29:23 UTC
I know that the media makes it sound like most professional athletes use illegal drugs. Particularly steroids. I know better. The media has proven itself to be about the ratings now too, in my eyes. When i watch professional wrestling, as an example, you can tell the wrestlers who have or do use steroids, from the ones who just stay in good shape and work hard to do so. I am far more impressed by these athletes that don't take shortcuts. From watching professional sports of all types, i would say it is less than 1/4 who use performance enhancing drugs. Illegal drugs, well, id say likely a third use. A lot in a way, but, likely on par with mainstream society.
Renee D
2008-04-15 10:10:36 UTC
I would hope that most professional athletes do not use drugs. If we go by media reports, the use of drugs would seem rampant. Major League Baseball is under the microscope thanks to the Mitchell Report, not to mention congressional hearings. You would think the US could devote it's time to more pressing matters, but I digress... Professional wrestlers have had the spotlight thrust upon them thanks to Chris Benoit's roid-rage induced murder-suicide. Then there are the Ricky Williams' of the world who can't seem to put the pipe down. As for the NHL? There have been accusations from the likes of Mr. D. Pound, but no major scandals, yet. Then there is the Tour de France. It would seem that no one can win that race without being immediately accused of cheating. Are all these isolated incidents on the part of individual athletes indication of wide spread use? I would hope not. I am not an insider in any one sport so I am not really in a position to answer the question as to whether or not most professional athletes use drugs. I do have an opinion in regards to the possible motivation behind the use of drugs in sports, however.

I have always found it somewhat paradoxical that athletes would potentially do great damage to their greatest asset(their bodies) by taking performance enhancing drugs. I would hope that long term side-effects would outweigh any short-term benefits. Then again, we are living in a day and age dominated by the need for immediate gratification. Makes me wonder what motivates the average athlete these days? Is it the love of the sport or the need for a mutli-million dollar contract and all the trappings that go along with being a professional athlete?

I sometimes feel as if the true meaning of sportsmanship and competition has been lost. Nowadays it seems to be all about the pursuit of fame and fortune. There are many professional sports that I refuse to watch because it's all about individuals padding their stats and pretty much showing off. The motivation has gone from winning to looking good. It's become a question of style over substance. Better to look good and loose than to look bad and win. With such a mindset in place, maybe the attainment of immediate fame trumps long term, way down the road damage from the side effects of drug use.

I love sports. I'm the chic that screams at refs like a truck driver during the Stanley Cup playoffs(GO HABS GO!!!!). I sure hope my boys' attempt at the ultimate trophy is true red white and blue. I would hope that when I pay money to go watch any sporting event, I'm not getting some juiced-up version of the truth. I would hope the same for all fans who devote themselves to their favourite teams, their favourite players.

Cheating has it's moral implications, does it not? At the end of the day, I would think it's the athlete that suffers the worst consequences. Marion Jones, for example, is in jail at the moment. Passion for one's sport, team, country is admirable. Serving the sport, team and country honestly and with integrity is even more admirable, even if you win silver instead of gold. No one remembers who places second, though, right? Second place doesn't get you a "Nike" contract, now does it?

Enough said.
2008-04-15 09:09:24 UTC
I do think most athletes take some sort of performance enhancing drug. It is unfortunate but almost seems necessitated by the facts that others in your sport use and you almost feel obligated to do so in order to give yourself a fighting chance and play on the same playing field.

When an athlete (particularly a runner) wins an event - rarely do I wonder "were they born that fast?" I wonder "how did they pass the drug test?"

We also need look no further than professional bodybuilding which, for the longest time was considered the only sport that it was a given you must take steroids in order to win.
Sparky B
2008-04-15 06:21:21 UTC
Honestly, the only people that should care about steroids or other drugs in sports are the other athletes. I like the idea of an athlete taking steroids for the simple reason, there probably going to be a better athlete with them. Sports events are so expensive these days that if an athlete can put on a better performance with them then I want to see it.

As an athlete who does not take drugs to better themselves they will most likely have a harder time keeping there job, sucks.
Sincere Questioner
2008-04-14 18:58:01 UTC
The use of drugs and of other additives or supplements should be done in the light of day.

I think that the drugs that athletes take should be monitored for their own safety and for the benefit of understanding the human body and furthering science.

Maybe in the future some medical use for the drugs will be advanced by the fact that elite athletes have used them to enhance performance with proper safeguards and with people who had given their authorisation. In the future it may also be necessary to use substances to keep space voyagers in shape during long travels.

I have never understood the complete ban on drugs. A parallel would be with motor sports - there is no question that Formula-1 automobiles use high grade fuel, not the regular fuel that we can get at our corner service station. Automotive development is enhanced by the advances made at the race track and this is seen as normal. In the human realm a similar development is being undertaken with performance enhancing substances, but the athletes are put at risk because it is done in the "back rooms" as it were. The athletes do not always know the full extent of the substances that they are taking, nor can they give consent since it is all hidden. The current policy not only does a disservice to the athletes but also to the greater society.

Another aspect is the involvement of drug companies that would have a vested interest in funding sports and in keeping their activities above board since they would get recognition for them.
2008-04-14 17:54:18 UTC
Hi Patrick,

To me, this question has no single answer. As society grows, things that are viewed as "acceptable" change from time to time. If the mainstream decides its ok to use drugs in sport, than its ok, and vice versa. It has always been that way.

My opinion? For some people drug use is part of the journey toward sports excellence. Many view it as "cheating", and in some respects it is.

I think if we are seeking for individuals who are superior to others by their own nature, then drug use would be an unfair practice. I have a sense that many more athletes use steroids than we would believe.

After all is said and done, what is the meaning of competition? What is the real goal?All competition is mere vainity (Don't get me wrong,I like being Vain too). It all revolves around who is the "best" at a skill that is perceived important, so we can be well loved and coddled....hopefully by gorgeous women....and we can also become rich....which also is a vain prospect.

If no one cared about Football, boxing, or any sport. We would all have to count on our personality or ability to cook to be admired and well loved. Personality I have, but I can hardly cook no matter how many steroids I could take.

So, Patrick, although I am not in favour of it, I say drug use in sports is just part of the game, and some day it will be the normal thing to do.

Now get to the gym and quit wasting your time here.
2008-04-15 06:56:42 UTC
I think that pro sports is just like regular society, and there will be a group of athletes that use illegal drugs. I also think that athletes may not be consciously choosing to break the law, they are just consciously choosing to do whatever it takes to win. In some cases it is training harder and eating right and others it is performance enhancing drugs. I think at a professional athletes level it should be up to the athlete to chose how the individual should get to the level they are at, knowing all the rules, and if they are found to be in contravention of any law, or rule put in place by society or the sports governing body the athlete should pay the price, either suspension or fines or both.
2008-04-15 08:32:09 UTC
Hey Patrick,

I don't think that every athlete uses illicit drugs, however I do think that a lot of athletes feel the pressure to preform and consider using drugs. I do have to admit that some of the recent athletes that have been busted have surprised me. I think that competition is a good think is some circumstances, however it is also a powerful motivator to commit illegal acts - no one wants to be know as a loser, but one think we should all accept that there is always someone better than ourselves in any sport, it may not be right now, but we all get old and can not stay at the top of the game forever.


PS keep going Mr Cote, your inspirational, and entertaining.
2008-04-15 08:12:58 UTC
I think it should be stopped, that it isn't fair or sportsmanlike to use illegal drugs in any type of sport.

However, I believe most professional athletes use some kind of supplement(s), whether they are illegal or not to try and gain an advantage over their competition. Also, their careers depend on staying at an elite level, thus, illegal drugs can help maintain and elevate their status as an athlete. So, I would say many pro athletes use illegal drugs (between 40-60% depending on the sport of course!) ex. cycling-85%, pro bowlers maybe 0% haha....:>)
darnay scott
2008-04-15 07:51:16 UTC
Its unfortunate. But incredibly widespread. In the early 90s I knew a number of people on steroids in hopes of making "junior varsity" college hockey. Another roomate of mine was approached by the coaching staff to take steroids as a linebacker, this is in a Canadian University, where maybe 145 people would show up to the games, sometimes far less.

Imagine the pressure where there is actual money and jobs on the line.

I have known world class athletes (distance runners) who were clean, but that guy missed out on going to the Olympics after making the Olympic standard but not the Canadian Standard. Instead we sent nobody in his event . I wonder if there was a drug would he have been tempted to go that extra second faster, he had already recovered from a car accident that many wondered if he would ever walk normally again, after his femur went through his hip. Determined he went after running again becoming top two in the country just on genetics and hard work. Amatuer athletes Pros, there is so much at stake, so much pressure, so much work... that a little edge... some sudafed before the game. Hell I have a coffee before work.

There are events that are basically the all steroid olympics... "world's strongest man" comes to mind. Events that for some reason have no testing or nobody caught. I could have pointed at more people at my university team that were doing roids than are caught in the NFL, and remember I'm here in Canada where stakes are WAAAAY lower
Mike B
2008-04-15 06:47:24 UTC
Unfortunately for us, because we pay are professional athletes on a limited career length, some would feel they have to take enhancing drugs so that the last 15 years weren't a waste of time for them, I still feel it's cheating but then again I never agreed with the athletes salaries so why would I care if they took drugs, its just a game. If they can optimize a body for the sport why not then? People should stop caring about this, Barry Bonds just proved that the courts take to long to do anything about it, (he still has the HR record right?)

The second they gave a record to a doper I gave up on sports, I'm sorry but if the millions they are payed isn't enough to keep them sober then they shouldn't play, and if they aren't good enough to make millions sober then you shouldn't play.

If they keep it illegal, sports will keep its honor, if they make it legal then sports becomes WWF wrestling. Unfortunately we are in the limbo of that debate.
2008-04-14 23:00:44 UTC
Yes, I do. Athletes nowadays try to break records after records by all risks. It`s known that a lot of athletes use drugs, legal and illegal, to improve their performance in competitions of high impact. Some athletes already came to death by using some of this drugs. That`s why almost all institutions that promote sport`s competitions demand the competitors to have some antidopping tests. I personally think that most of the drugs classified as illegal could be used to improve the athletes´s performance if acompained by medical support. But this is a really complicated subject and it´s not the point in here. (Qyuyu)
2008-04-14 19:10:30 UTC
well, it depends on what kind of drugs you are talking about. if you are talking about performence enhancing drugs then I definatly think it plays a huge roll in professional sports today. I'm a big baseball fan and I think I can safely say that I know a fare bit about the steriod situation in baseball. but in my opinion, every sport has at least some players using, it's not just baseball's problem, it's a multi-sport international situation and it will be very, very hard to get steriods out of sports and next to impossable to completely get rid of it. but the real question here is, do we really want seroids out of sports? think back to when steriods were really a problem back in the 90's and early 00's when baseball players were breaking records almost daily! no real fan of the game can't say that they didn't enjoy those years, I know I loved it!!! Bottom line is these are professional athletes and they get payed to do there jobs just like anyone else in this world. Whether you want to admit it or not, professional sports is a bussiness and a great one at that, they depend on fans like you and me to provide the money, but if we are not interested in the level of play then they have to step up their game, and the most effective way of doing that is steroids. Fans love a guy that can bash 50 homeruns a season, right. That keeps filling the seats. You know the old saying, chicks dig the longball, well it's true, no one will object to that. The average person doesn't give a hoot about a single up the middle. If you can jack the ball out of the park, you will make the big bucks instead of rotting in the minors. So you can see my point when I say that seroids are not quite as bad for pro sports as you might think. These are grown men and they can do what they want, but only for grown men who can make their own decissions in life. Steroids is just a form of evolution, you look at other things like bats and cleats, they have greatly improved over the years and so have the bodies of the players. It's the future of sports so I suggest people get used to it or get left behind.
dale t
2008-04-15 09:07:38 UTC
Athletes ability to cut and gain weight in such short periods of time is incredible. Without the help of drugs to gain 20- 25 lbs is pretty hard to do in 3 months, especially if your ideal bodyweight is 160 and you try to make 185 for a fight or football or baseball tryouts are just around the corner. Chemists these days spend more time trying to find ways to hide steroid abuse because the market is so big. They can't afford to lose this much money. So yes, a majority of "superstar" athletes do, or have taken illegall performance enhancing drugs to get where they are, or where they want to be. Based on my own personal experience I took four different products and ended up in the emergency room after 2 months. Winstrall, D-Bol, Deca, and Anadral 50. It's not worth the risk. Either you're good or you're not. If you're not good at what you do train a little harder and do it NATURALLY.
2008-04-14 21:26:28 UTC
Yeah drugs in sports isn't good for the sport or the athlete but keep in mind the only reason they do it is to gain our respect. We have raised the standard of greatness so much its almost impossible to be 'great' without using some sort of enhancements, whether it be growth hormones, pro hormones, or steroids. Take the olympics for example, if someone doesn't break a world record at the 100 meter dash, no one cares who won, and because one of the athletes who set the record took performance enhancing drugs it is very difficult to beat that record without taking the same or better drugs. Its a cyclical problem, as fans we want our athletes of the time to be amazing and entertaining, and in order for them to even be able to impress us half the time they have to do superhuman things, and how else would one do these without being very gifted with regards to genetics? The answer is obviously not something I support but its important to know that we as fans, by expecting so much, don't make it any easier on the athletes to perform.
2008-04-14 20:09:12 UTC
I think less than half of the athletes do some sort of illegal drugs. whether its recreational or performance enhancing drugs. You are in charge of your own mind and body. So its personal preference. If you take steroids or other substances to make you a top athlete, then that's your choice. You know the risks and benefits. If an athlete wants to go that extra step to be #1, then I'm all for it. Its just an enhancement for an already trained athlete who has put in his 100% and still wants to excel. Whats wrong with a little boost. I think that it should be legal and that fellow competitors be informed of the people who choose to "juice-up". Also the steroids should be produced in a medical lab.and not out of the back of jimmy's van. If they do rec. drugs and booze for partying, well, they are only hurting themselves. And if they can still compete after getting all bent outta shape, well, good for them.That's what i think anyway. Oh ya, keep up the good work in pounding the **** out of your opponents Patrick, you make Canadian mma fans proud as hell.
2008-04-14 19:08:29 UTC
I think that most professional athletes use anabolic steroids. Yes, it is an "illegal drug", but I personally think that it's gotten a stigma attached to it and is not as bad as it seems. People think that somebody just takes steroids and suddenly becomes this superhuman athlete. The skill, dedication and heart need to be there first. Plus, if an athlete is on anabolic steroids, he needs to be on a very good diet and work extra hard in the gym or at whatever sport he's in to see any real advantage. You don't just take steroids and sit on your *** and become a great athlete. I think people make too big a deal out of the whole thing. And as far as the danger to your body... probably most people on this message board put themselves at a higher risk for health problems due to what you eat and any inactivity than someone who's taking anabolic steroids, working out everyday, eating right and working hard. The truth is, that steroids, if used correctly, are no more dangerous than most other prescription medications that doctor's prescribe everyday in the billions of dollars per year. It's due to a few bad cases of steroid abuse that the drug has gotten a bad rap. Steroids should be legal and the gov't should educate the public on them instead of scare an uneducated public into thinking that they're some kind of magic potion that will kill you if you take it. And as for cheating if you take them... well I could sit here and name off literally thousands of "supplements" outside of a normal diet that athletes take, but because they aren't illegal... at least not yet for some of them, it's ok. Well, that's just plain ignorant. Educate yourselves on what you judge.
2008-04-14 19:00:01 UTC
It depends on what kind of social structure one aspires to. I think for the majority, winning is most important and that means doing what ever it takes to get the job done. It also comes down to money. Winning makes the difference between $100 grand and a million. Again, what's an athlete's price tag? People say they don't have one, but the fact is most do.

Personally I strongly disagree with it. I think athletes who do participate in drug or growth hormome use are unattractive and send an ill conceived messege to through the social stratus. However, I also believe that athletes are seriously overpaid and owners should have a cap on the profit a team can make with the majority of proceeds going to charities, non-porfits and junior sports organizations.
Robert H
2008-04-14 18:59:41 UTC
Yes, I think many of them do, and practically all use performance enhancing supplements and chemicals (which may be legal). The incentives are just to great not to bring science and sports medicine to bear on this, and to that extent it is almost inevitable. But I still enjoy watching professional sports sometimes.

The Olympics seems to have degenerated to a situation in which athletes' advisers try to find a non-detectable way of administering a new performance enhancing drug! One could make a case for quitting government support of the Olympics and elite athletes and turning the budget back to support for local community based sports. I found the country-based medal count rather ridiculous.
Mike K
2008-04-14 18:58:32 UTC
No. I thing that most athletes do not use drugs. Athletes are very motivated and inspired. Especially in the UFC, in my opinion drug use would alter their reaction time and do more damage then good in the long run Unfortunately you do have some athletes that will use illegal and enhancement drugs. Tim Sylvia is the perfect example. Athlete's that do use drugs will always find an excuse to justify their action, but as far as i'm concerned the use of drugs in the example of Tim goes to show that and athlete using drugs can never and will never live up to their full potential.

Then you take a look at a fighter like Patric Cote or St. Perrier, who as far as i'm concerned are continually growing and improving in their careers. In my opinion, you will never grow and only plummet when you ABUSE drugs and look for excuses to justify your actions.

A clear frame of mind is essential when athletes compete.
2008-04-14 18:51:24 UTC
I guess it really depends on the sport as certain sports definition of illegal is stricter then the other(Body building as compared to the Olympic games). I do believe that the spirit of sport is about training, talent, resilience, guts and the glory that is accompanied. There are always a few bad apples in every bunch that put suspicion on everyone. I do believe that every sport has had the some issue/suspicion with illegal drugs. Better testing, more information, and less stress on younger athletes are the only way to curb the usage.
2008-04-15 09:25:10 UTC
For the most part I believe that a large number of "athletes" use some form of illegal drugs, I am referring to those individuals who are focused on themselves and not their sport of choose. That does not mean I believe professional athletes do, many are dedicated to their work and see themselves as positive role models. But there will always be some that spoil the image regardless of the profession.
First Knight
2008-04-15 06:32:16 UTC
It is difficult to define enhancements in sport. Things like HGH re-create a muscular system in an athlete that wouldn't otherwise be there. Blood Dopping and Testosterone in athletics will enhance the red blood cells or strength of endurance athletes. What about altitude training or EPO do they produce a significant change in the efficiency of oxygen intake and production? Athletes 40 years ago do not look like nor perfom like the athletes of today. Could it be due to greater training regimens or better diets or perhaps the usage of supplements which in my opinion are an artificial enhancement. I would say that most elite athletes do something to enhance their performance or recovery time with artificial substances. So defined in this way I would say that drug use in sports is so far reaching that one who doesn't use could not compete at that level. Never mind pro athletes, how many guys and girls from the local gym are injecting, enhancing or supplementing their workouts? In this age of the "quick fix",drugs and enhancements even of the "legal" variety are part of the culture and will never be eradicated in sport both professional and amateur. So I say depending on the sport, athletes do use and if they say they aren't I call them outright liars, plain and simple.
2008-04-15 06:27:37 UTC
Its funny how most answers are saying it wrong to use drugs or its cheating. People read the question. He asked whether you think that most or all pro athletes use drugs or not. I say, it provides a competitive edge and is all are doing it which seems to be the case, then why not. So Yes I do think all pro athletes at one point in their career have used illegal performance enhancing or just plain old drugs.
Peter J M M
2008-04-14 18:42:37 UTC
People will do strange things for money or fame.

A younger person looks at the limelight and usually guided by those around him is sucked into the stimulant trap. Never does he stop to check this stuff and it's effect with a good doctor.

The cycling world is trying more than any other sport to clean this up but it is a hard road. Juice has been around as long as any competition and the coaches and teams have been just as guilty as the young men they give the juice to.

Most people take stimulants in some form even if it is only one coffee a day. The professional athlete has very good reason to go beyond the accepted limits and if not checked on a regular basis he will.

I would.
2008-04-14 18:55:42 UTC
Hmmm...good questions Patrick. I think drug use in sport is rather rampant, and that ultimately they are all performance enhancing; in that sense, I think the ones that have been classified as "illegal" have been so classified because to this point they have been proved to have obvious health risks attached to them.

In a perfect world, the only advantage that one fighter (or athlete) ought to have over another would be rooted in their knowledge, their commitment, their fitness and luck. Sadly there are so many other variables at work at any given time in modern sport that the only way a fan can really enjoy the sport anymore is to either avoid the debate completely, or to assume that every athlete participating in any given sport is using performance enhancing drugs and therefore no one has an extra advantage because everyone is jacked!

Of course our heroes will always be immune to this discussion in our eyes.
2008-04-14 20:45:43 UTC
Yes, I do guess that most athletes use drugs to improve their performance. Whether it's painkillers or steroids, it's no different to me.

I don't think the drug use is the real issue though. It's the deception of fans that people seem to be truly upset by. People have gotten the idea that a human can achieve super-athletic abilities through 'natural' means. Now they're learning otherwise and are let down. Sorry people... that's reality. That's entertainment at its finest.
2008-04-14 19:45:07 UTC
I don't think most athletes take drugs, but I do believe a significant minority do. And unfortunately it is often the higher profile ones that do... some of those on top trying to stay on top, as well as some of those close to the top looking for that edge to get them over the hump. It's really a shame, because I believe fans as a whole want athletes to be clean, because we want heroes, someone to believe in, someone larger than life that we can celebrate. But when we find out they are cheating, it hurts us, takes away a little bit more of our childhood innocence. Drug use in sports is wrong and should not be tolerated in sport.
2008-04-14 19:29:32 UTC
In many sports yes. Competition sports are the toughest thing on the body, not just the competition but the training to attain that level. Anabolics do not add talent or ability but they do improve healing and that is the allure. You can workout day and night like any serious athelete but without chemical help, the body atrophies due to overtraining and the risk of injury is much greater. There are, and always will be atheletes that compete at the highest levels that refuse to use anabolics and chemical aids outside normal supplements, but they need to work much harder than their counterparts. Today in many arenas, it seems discovering the new "covering agent" that allows you to use the desired drugs is the goal. Certain agents show up in certain tests, some don't. Lastly, if you compete in a sport where mandatory drug testing is lax, like the UFC, WWE etc, aside from the supposed long term health implications, there is no incentive to NOT take them. I think Sean Sherk was the ONLY fighter ever caught so far unless I'm misinformed. One fighter in the long history of the UFC.
r e
2008-04-14 19:09:04 UTC
More athletes are doing drugs than the public has knowledge of even though the media has exposed some .

Yes most are doing drugs.......steroids,gh.....especially amphetamines.........for agression, explosiveness etc.

Steroids are a great enhancer in most if not all sports.

How do you level an even playing field when you have some users and other non users with natural god given talents?

I say let everyone use.It will sort out the real talent from the cheaters , does that make sense?

You are a ufc fighter...I can tell you from my trained eye who is on and using in your sport.....

I know the industry....
2008-04-14 18:34:04 UTC
I think there is a lot of pressure out there and the competition is fierce so yes I think that many do, perhaps more so in certain sports than others. You can really kind of suspect steroids by body shape and weight--few really are just 'born' with mass like that. Often irratic behaviour is another sign. But even illegal recreational drugs I bet many athletes are into. It's just a kind of lifestyle with much too much pressure for an average person to sustain.

I think western society encourages finding solutions in pills for everything so why should sports be any different.
Super Ruper
2008-04-15 10:23:13 UTC
I think that we, the public, would be shocked to find out how many professional athletes actually do use performance enhancement drugs. I believe it to be far more widespread than we think...

As for my opinion? I believe it is a sign of the times. We are paying athletes as though they are superheroes...and expecting them to perform as such. In turn, they are deluded into believing that they are super human - and will do whatever is necessary to meet those expectations.

Is it wrong? Well, unless its illegal for that particular sport, then I guess it isn't. But I do believe that it shows tremendous lack of intelligence and a weakness of the spirit. How else could you describe a young person filling their body with poison simply to fulfill the dreams of others?
james h
2008-04-14 22:30:07 UTC
In some way or another, I think most athletes use some kind of enhancement. Not necessarily drugs like steroids, but anphetamines (sp?), blood doping, etc.

Fact is, it's been happening for years, and only now is it a crisis. It's the allure of the big day that has these athletes do it, even though it eventually leads to health problems and possibly even death.

I can't wait for the all drug olympics!!!
2008-04-19 03:20:25 UTC
2008-04-15 02:31:27 UTC
It's difficult to say whether most professional athletes use illegal drugs, but it seems that a substantial number do. This fact (or perception) would dissuade me from becoming a professional athlete. I wouldn't want to take drugs to enhance my performance, and neither would I want to play at a disadvantage. It's a sad situation.
Mike S
2008-04-14 20:57:13 UTC
If I were a professional athlete, I would definitely use PED's. Their job is to go out night after night and give amazing performances, which takes a huge toll on the body. PED's aid recovery time and make athletes better at their job, so why not. Also, contrary to popular opinion, using PED's correctly and efficiently takes a tremendous amount of discipline. Pro sports just need to admit that these drugs exist, test for the ones that have been proven dangerous (many people think that all PED's are dangerous, those people are mislead) and incorporate them into the sport.

Need proof that my theory works? Look at pro bodybuilding. Search for pictures of Schwarzanegger in competition, then search pictures of Ronnie Coleman in competition. Bodybuilding has adjusted to the fact that PED's are commonplace in the sport, and the athletes have mastered them. If you think bodybuilders habits are dangerous, then why are the bodybuilders from the 60's and 70's not dropping dead everyday?

Summary: accept it, understand it, enjoy it.
2008-04-14 18:58:50 UTC
Some of the best atletes have been caught using drugs to help them become the no.1 in the world so what does that say about the truly great atletes who do not use drugs but are losing to ones that are?like the american female sprinter who recently admitted to using drugs,and i think the russians as well as the chinese are using drugs that are undetectable what a shame the actual standard of sports are unknown since they were set ,well so,by atletes who were on drugs at the time!
2008-04-14 18:47:19 UTC
That's an interesting question. I'm an avid cycling fan and for a long time thought my sport was riddled with illegal doping. However, the recent Floyd Landis fight has raised serious questions about the process of testing. Furthermore, some cyclists get caught now and vehemently deny use. And one would think that they may be right because how could they think they would get away with if if there is such stringent testing. The recent scandals will lead to better testing and doping should be on its way out, I would think.
2008-04-14 18:25:01 UTC
For fear of sounding like a prude, drug use by athletes hurts the athletes. Most sports fans could care less, all they want is action, and if there's blood, all the better!

Pros use illegal drugs, you'd have to be pretty naive not to think so. Competition is so fierce, they're almost forced to. If you care about the athlete, more drug testing needs to be done!
Mitch S
2008-04-15 08:20:44 UTC
I think performance enhancing drugs should be seen as another tool to improve an athletes performance. It should be a personal choice of the athlete if they want to take the risks of using these drugs.

From a fan's perspective... why wouldn't I want to see people perform the sport I love EVEN BETTER? Why wouldn't I want to see them raise the bar even higher? Also, in the case of MMA fighers like Patrick Cote, why wouldn't I want them to be able to heal from injuries faster so I can watch them fight MORE OFTEN?

Make the drugs safe. Do the research. Make it a personal choice.
2008-04-14 19:25:29 UTC
I do not think that most professional athletes take illegal performance enhancing drugs - but a lot of them do. However, I do feel that amateur athletes (international/olympic level) take performance enhancing drugs. It is unfortunate that people are willing to sacrifice their health, their lives and their integrity to win. And to win at all costs. Have people forgotten Lyle Alzado? We teach our children to be truthful and honest. To live be the rules, even though that may mean not finishing first, or being number one. If our children grow up idolizing sports figures who cannot win things fair and square, what does that teach them?
Scocasso !
2008-04-14 17:21:35 UTC
Personally I see it as being no different than any other kind of cheating.

I do not think that most professionals use drugs. It's much more common with amateur sports and people who generally lack any sort of talent. That said, I met someone who was a professional bicycle racer in Europe and he said that there was lot of use... to the point that guys would be injecting themselves in the thighs while riding just before coming to the climbing part of the race etc.

We've seen some top pros who have made their careers with illegal drugs... some people will do anything to win.

For me, cheating of any kind goes against my morals -- I'm good enough that I don't need to cheat to win.
2008-04-15 07:25:23 UTC
I think it depends on the sport. Cycling, Track, Cross Country Skiing are riddled with performance enhancing drugs. It's like every couple of years a former world/Olympic athlete from these sports are discredited due to drug use.
athletic dude
2008-04-14 20:51:47 UTC
I think most professional athletes have tried or at least have come close to trying, or have known people who have tried, been pressured to try drugs in sports. It's a very brutal world, the world of doping. Some of them hold great images, reputations, and egos, and yet, the public has no idea they are using the drugs.

I believe some use drugs or at least health booster products in order to perform better, but that wouldn't be deemed illegal...they are just supplements for optimal health. Drugs would be considered harmful to the body. Some supplements may build strength, endurance, stamina, vision, flexibility, fat content, oxygen levels for improved cardiovascular performance.

Anyway realistically, no they don't use illegal drugs. However, they have trainers, access to the best equipment, training, best nutritionists, and doctors, and they train hard. Considering how far they have gone, using drugs would be very pointless and stupid defeating the whole purpose of their life, to pursue challenge, and the ethics of cheating. Personally, users should be fine heavily, banned for life, and it should stain their resume. i would not hire them to serve food. jail, no, but no earnings, like jose canseco.

Another way of answering your you think some business owners or cops are bad? do you think there are owners or cops who are tied to the mob? do you think there are politicians or business people who are greedy or unethical? why then, do you think these people would not exist in the most competitive environment of sports, where people do almost anything to get to the top. their passion and drive have to seem almost sick with greed about winning, to the point of surpassing realism. I like to win, but i dont have so much of a drive that nothing else matters. I believe that these criminals exist just like any other criminals do, in the corporate world, in society, or in life. they are everywhere, and we can stop them, we will not respect them, and we will penalize them harshly. michael vick, brutal criminal, should not ever come back to the nfl. but regulations are only as good as the people behind it, who regulate it. should we check for drugs the same way we check with airport security? i dunno, is it that big a deal? anyway there's ways to beat the system, like smugglers do at airports, ways you cannot find or maybe are blind to the drug using in the sport. so yeah, a lot will probably find ways to cheat the system, but they are ruthless.
Mary I
2008-04-14 21:38:23 UTC
There is way too much use of drugs in sports. I do not think that really great athletes use them, but on the whole a lot of them do.
2008-04-15 08:27:41 UTC
Depends on the sport. In physical/contact type sports, yes, I believe they did. I wouldn't say most professional athletes but definitely a good percentage. Maybe not now, since the whole steroid debacle, but I am certain many did before.
2008-04-15 00:57:33 UTC
Of course they do. I am not a pro athlete and I don't know any either, and yet I know a ton of people who have used steroids simply for vanity.....I suppose to impress women and intimidate men. Believe me, they are incredibly easy to get and not particularly expensive relative to the gains received, especially when compared to buying the natural supplements. So with all of this in mind, why on earth would a pro athlete deny themselves of something that is cheap, easy to find, and incredibly effective when considering the tens of thousands or millions of dollars involved in a pro athletes contract. Remember, average Joe's use then in numbers that most would be surprised by.....I have used them, know numerous other who have as well, I work at a gym and a bar and I see a ton of guys that I know are on it.....just average guys. Of course the pros are on it too.

Also, for those of you that buy into the belief that steroids are all bad and that anyone to take them is doomed to live a shortened might want to check out this link

It's from HBO's Real Sports with Bryant a man in the video asks, I too would ask the same.....if they are as bad as they are made out to be, then where are all the bodies?
2008-04-14 18:52:16 UTC
If we took money out of the equation would the athletes still take drugs?? The pressures to get the 'edge' is enormous.No i dont think pro athletes use drugs but i think most do take "legal" drugs .
2008-04-14 18:46:00 UTC
Its obvious that the majority of people ansewering this questions are not athletes, possible weekend warriors but not elite proffesionals. People that spend hours everyday training for years to be the best in the world at what they do. When you make a living at your profession and there is thousands sometimes million at stake you will use substances that will help you recover and help you stay at your best for the longest amount of time. Its a fact and it will stay this way as long as there is competitve sports on this planet. Because they use substances this makes them less of an athlete ? give your head a shake at thier level the commitment of time and energy put into their craft is immesurable and performance enhancement would account for maby 1/10 of the picture. They are where they are because of thier commitment not because of a substance that 90% of elite atletes utilize. So until you yourself become a profesional athlete sit on your couch and cheer for your favroite team, player and let them entertain millions of people while they make a living be just that a professional athelete

Dave B
2008-04-15 09:05:35 UTC
Most professional baseball players, yes, I would say that a majority of them use illegal drugs at some point in their careers. As for all other professional atheletes I'd say very few use illegal drugs of any kind at any point in their life.
2008-04-14 19:11:29 UTC
I do not believe that most pro athletes use illegal drugs. I believe that most pro athletes are competing on the basis of their natural skills and development. There are a few who make it bad for all the rest.
Helene M
2008-04-14 19:01:09 UTC
Unfortunately, stakes are high and many break under the pressure, choosing to use substances that are either controlled or off limits. I think there should be more testing and repercussions for all types of sports to ensure that those who stay on the straight and narrow are recognized and rewarded and those who don't learn their lesson. I admire nothing more than someone who stays clean of all enhancing drugs and achieves great things through shear determination and hard work.
Douglas P
2008-04-14 18:55:34 UTC
I do get the impression that most athletes do use drugs. Sports are so competitive these days that athletes will do anything to stay ahead of their game and if it means drugs they do it.
2008-04-15 09:10:27 UTC
They ALL have in pretty much ALL sports. Why wouldn't they? And I don't think "legality" has anything to do with it; there are "legal" drugs athletes can take that enhance their performance.

Go to the gym one day without strong coffee and one day with. Your performance will differ. And that's just coffee. Is that cheating if one team is using something that the other team isn't? At any rate, they ALL use SOMETHING.
2008-04-14 18:39:41 UTC
I do not think that most professional athletes are taking illegal drugs, nor do I think it fair to see an athlete doing good in their career, then automatically have it assumed that he/she is taking illegal drugs.

I do however think that when it comes to comparing professional athletes to minor leagues and such yes I think that there is more drug use.

It's one thing to get on top, it's another thing to stay on top.
2008-04-14 18:30:19 UTC
My opinion is that they should not be allowed to use it, some Athletes give it 110% and honestly win the sport, some athletes use drugs and they should be called cheaters, they are not safe, and have resulted in many deaths, i even did a whole paper on why steroids should not be used!
2008-04-14 16:32:22 UTC
I unfortunately believe there are many athletes using performance enhancing drugs. I believe that for any new method of testing there comes a method of masking the drug. I feel bad for athletes who don't cheat. I believe anyone caught with performing enhancing drugs in there system are banned for life with no second chance. Maybe that will deter a few more people from cheating.

*UFC made a huge mistake by not having the great Patrick Cote fighting in Montreal.
2008-04-15 10:00:06 UTC
i think a majority do if they think they won't get caught. but the tracking methods are keeping up with the designer enhancement drugs. concerned about the psychological effect drugs have and how they can induce anger or rage or the killer instinct. I enjoy MMM but hate it when the winner keeps pounding on the guys head even tho he is clearly out. sometimes it may be in doubt so the fighter continues but do drugs or just blood lust feed the desire to continue without even looking up at the ref for a sec. Good luck with your career.
2008-04-15 09:34:00 UTC
Looking through the answers, I find that a lot of people saying how bad, horrible, and disgraceful people are who take drugs. People don’t realize that its it goes much more deeper then just wanting to improve ones game. For the last 5 months iv been working my *** off to get into a summer program only to get screwed out of my chance to get in. Losing hurts and some people just cant take it. So before people start bashing stuff they know little about they should think more into the subject.
2008-04-14 19:15:45 UTC
I thing small percentage of professional athletes uses illegal drugs.
2008-04-14 14:00:51 UTC
I think that illegal drugs are bad in sports. They give a disadvantage to the players who play fair and square. I believe that most professional athletes don't use illegal drugs, but sometimes the not so good ones, to gain popularity and publicity. If I was Prime Minister of Canada, I would track down all those drug companies and give them a warning. If I catch them again, throw em' in jail. No more of this "second chance" stuff.
Flames Girl
2008-04-14 19:13:36 UTC
I don't think most atheletes do, just the ones, who don't want to make an extra effort. I think that it's a really stupid thing to do, especially if you've worked so hard to be really good and then decide to use drugs. Not only does it ruin your reputation but all that you worled for without the drugs is in vain. I know personally I would lose respect for someone who used drugs in sports, because they aren't being honest with fans.
2008-04-14 18:37:52 UTC
No I don't think most pro-athletes take drugs. I think that tops 10 take it in every Major sport. I also live in a town where drugs are easier to get than food. I have also seen people ruin their lives with drugs and if a pro-athlete uses drugs they're going to ruin theirs. Drugs are horrible things to take.

2008-04-14 19:12:30 UTC
I don't believe it to be universal, but I do think that usage of performance enhancing drugs (HGH, steroids, blood doping) are much higher than they were a few decades ago. With people like Sly Stallone actually ENDORSING the use of HGH, I'm not surprised.

However, I believe that this has more to do with the expectations fans have of their athletes, than it does with the athletes themselves. People are much harder to impress these days - we want our heroes to be 'larger than life'. It's no different from runway models taking diet pills on a regular basis - the attempt to meet a distorted standard of perfection.
2008-04-15 04:57:07 UTC
Yes!!!!!!!!! Look at the level of play now compared to 50 yrs ago. Clearly the quality of training has gone up significantly; however, not that much. I would say 80% use performance enhancing drugs - the number probably goes up if you include other recreational drugs!
2008-04-14 19:20:52 UTC
i think only athletes who are insecure with their own performance would use drugs or athletes who are getting older use drugs because they cant measure up naturally i think that if professional athletes are using drugs to enhance what they have then they need to reevaluate their career choice. drugs should be a no no but we all realistically know that some athletes use it to enhance their performances

2008-04-14 19:20:36 UTC
I believe that there is a lot of athletes that do not use drugs. You only hear about the ones that use drugs.
2008-04-14 19:20:25 UTC
People want entertainment. When I go to a game, I want to see it hit out of the park. I don't want to see overweight, over the hill athletes earning millions for doing nothing. What about creatine and N02 supplements which are legal. Are they an unfair advantage? Get real you morons. 100% of athletes are on some performance enhancing supplements, legal or not. If I was earning what they make, I would do whatever I could to entertain and perform. Legalize it all. Level the playing field.
2008-04-14 19:01:36 UTC
I think that it is truly ridiculous. Kids look up to these players as heroes. Once they find out that their sports heroes are doing drugs...illegal or not...they think that it must be cool to do this. Well...its NOT! They are not showing their abilities to do the sport well. If they are that good, they dont need the drugs, just their natural abilities.They are so hyped up and out of it sometimes it isnt even funny. I dont think that they should get away with it neither. If it was you or me, we would be fined and jailed...well so should they.
2008-04-14 18:27:01 UTC
I believe it is up to the athlete to make the best choice for himself, his team, and his fans. Whether or not it gives an unfair advantage, nobody can really say, but really who cares. Don't regular people see that, the athletes are all general people as well?. For that matter, put all the athletes on steroids, and see what the talk would be then?. Probobly would garner much more revenues. An abstract thought!
Ron G
2008-04-14 19:15:01 UTC
Yes,I believe many of them do,especially in things like WWF, but that's not really a sport, just a show for dummies.I think the UFC should try to stay away from it. I used to really admire boxers like Ali and Sugar Ray Lenard when they were fighting and I can pretty much guarantee they weren't drug users.
2008-04-14 18:47:58 UTC
More importantly. I think that the worlds sports associations have started to show some control over drug use in sports. Its very difficult to get away with it today.
2008-04-14 18:16:35 UTC
1) artificially enhancing a body to do bigger and better things is not sportsmanlike in my opinion. People need to be happy with what they can accomplish without drugs. If your body is not suited for power lifting, pick another sport. (for example).

2) I don't know if "some" or "most" professional athletes use illegal drugs or not. My opinion stands. ANY drug use to artificially enhance a body to do bigger and better things is not sportsmanlike.
2016-03-17 05:01:58 UTC
To me it depends on how they use the illegal drugs. If it is use in their training or preparation to a fight, then I consider it cheating. Fighters were just like us human being who make mistakes, like a fighter who resorted to sniffing cocaine when he can not cope on being an ordinary citizen and that he is retired from boxing. I would put them in a classification different from those fighters who use drugs to put themselves in an advantage against their opponent. The difference from a boxer/fighter and us is that they were considered as public property or public figures and their actions were being magnified, scrutinized and criticized. We expect to much from them which is unfair. I made a little research on doping in boxing and I was surprised how big and broad these doping is. Fighters who I never thought to be on illegal substance were in it too or assumed to be in it after refusing a drug test after the fight. Using illegal substance in what ever form unless medically allowed and prescribed is always condemned in a civilized society. It reflects and described the individual's personality, however it is not of any different from those individual who committed crimes and other nuisance to society.
Craig W
2008-04-15 09:07:49 UTC
I would venture a guess that probably 40-50% of athletes use some sort of drug, not prescription.

I believe that they should all be stripped of any records or awards they win.
2008-04-15 00:36:12 UTC
It's 2 dangerious as basal metabolic rate of a sports man is high so the body reflects abnormal rythum which is like a short cut but once the plasma levels of these drus fall it shows marked fatigue.........

in my opinion one should avoid taking drugs during sports
2008-04-14 15:44:10 UTC
I don't think drug use in sports is a bad thing. Now if we are talking about sports that will be performed at the Olympics then that is a completely different story.Those athletes are competing against other athletes in specific events and those should be au natural. But other sports ie. baseball, basketball, football, and your sport UFC, IMO should not be regulated. These individauls are there because they are the best of the best. Is taking some sort of supplements or hormones cheating, not really, they are out to give PERFORMANCES to the general public, and less so competing against one another.

I beleive many professionals use drugs (ie performance enhancing) now whether or not they are illegal is a different question.
2008-04-15 04:46:16 UTC
Yes, I think there is allot more steroid use (including HGH) than most want to beleive. But in my books thats alright. to tell you the truth it makes the sports more exciting due to the athletes running faster, hitting harder, and having better endurance. so I think that most use but not all. some are just have freak genitics which allows them to go without!!
2008-04-14 18:50:48 UTC
Yes I believe most professional athletes have used illict drugs at one time or another.
Mont R
2008-04-15 07:54:20 UTC
Yes I'm sure they do all take drugs. It is logical...they are all about money, it's more a business than real sports...they are taking and they will keep doing it...all we can do is try to help them not to die because of that by legalizing this and making it safer for their health.
ayatola-of rockinrolla
2008-04-15 08:00:39 UTC
most is a very broad question. do you mean 51%, 75% or 90%. regardless,obviously some professional athletes do it but i personally think the number is under 20%. i'm a big fan of patrick cote and whens his next fight? too bad its not this saturday eh.regards from the ayatola of rockin rolla
2008-04-15 06:43:42 UTC
Yes! To compete at such a high level all the time the top athletes need to have help to remain healthy enough to contuniue to train at that high level and not plateau but continually strive towards a new peak,
2008-04-15 05:57:31 UTC
I think most athletes want to be the best they can be, and so some might try it, but in general, NO, I don't think most athletes use them. An athlete is someone who has it naturally, otherwise we'd all be athletes..LOL
2008-04-15 05:26:19 UTC
I think macguire sossa and bonds and clemens should never have a record those old timers did it with true skill and true dedication! PERIOD juice has destroyed sports but its business and dont act like people didnt know because its better business when athletes do amazing. the truth came out now everyone has to cover their butt. its unfortunate that this has happened to pro sports.
2008-04-14 15:57:55 UTC
Using anabolic steroids to boost your performance is stupid.

You are not only cheating everyone else, but yourself too if you use them. Furthermore, the prize you won won't mean as much as when you had gotten it honestly.

I think most professional athletes in baseball, and some in track use illegal drugs.
2008-04-23 06:04:24 UTC
the use of illegal drugs in sports could cause several problems like the injury of a teammate or the coach and there opponents and yes i think most professional athletes use illegal drugs just because they think it will help them win
Gerald W
2008-04-18 14:50:56 UTC
It all depends on what type of illegal drugs you are referring to. Are you talking cocaine and mar iguana or steroids and hgh? If it's the latter then my answer is yes I do believe most athletes are using something, be it steroids, human growth hormone or even blood doping. Just look at any athlete's rookie picture and what they look like now or when they were in their prime, nobody gets that big without some kind of help. My only concern is how many of these young people know the long term effects of their actions?
Homer Z. Crowder, IV
2008-04-15 19:51:24 UTC
People need reputable heroes, no matter what field they're in. Do most athletes use drugs? I don't think so, but it seems it's usually the best or the most popular who get caught. They should be punished.
Jose M
2008-04-24 08:02:36 UTC
I believe that the drug use in sports should be extremely prohibited for the simple fact that it gives and takes advantages from the athlete; consequently, I do believe that most athletes do not use illegal drugs, since they do have the enormous responsibility of setting up a legitimate example for future generations.
just a cariboo angel
2008-04-14 19:12:12 UTC
I don't know, and I really don't care...

only losers take drugs..

and athletes taking them, sends a bad message to the kids. You don't need drugs to play sports!!!
Gordie J
2008-04-14 18:39:40 UTC
I absolutely agree that pro athletes cheat. The rigors of so many games and performances throughout the year wear the old pro down. When 1400 hockey players are tested internally and nobody is caught? Thats icing on the cake. CHEATERS!!!
Oscar R
2008-04-15 02:54:37 UTC
I dont think they should be allowed in pro sports. However I do think they should have a steroid olympics it be interesting to see what super humans can do. Lets start the "Super Olympics" the only rule would be steroids a must.
2008-04-14 22:34:59 UTC
I think a lot of them do use illegal or at least restricted drugs.

I thinkthe answer is not to stop them from doping themselves.

They will do it no matter what.

I think the answer might be to split sports into two classes.

Stock and modified.
2008-04-14 20:04:50 UTC
I think there should be a league for people using illegal drugs.I mean how awesome would it be if we had steroid Olympics or UFC.I want to see how far human limits are with all are technology put into people.
Meriiem A
2008-04-14 17:48:45 UTC
That is the worst think ill never heard about. what the heck. drugs are just too stupid and add you just spend ur time 4 anything. and YES there are a lot of athletes before who were using drugs because they tought that they will won ( THATS STUPID) Maybe it works but its not good for ur health. so everybody, NEVER take drug. NOT EVEN TRY !
2008-04-14 16:40:13 UTC
I definitely wouldn't say most, but I'm wondering about some of the best, highest paid players in pro sports. It definitely wouldn't be hard to get caught up in all the money and fame to go as far as taking steroids.

I personally wouldn't but I'm sure there are many who would.
2008-04-14 15:32:23 UTC
I don't think most do but I think some do.

I find that it really takes away from the game because you almost know what to expect when someone is juiced.

Because being juiced helps their consistency..

I think it also helps demonstrate the natural talent of the un-juiced players though. So i think in a way it helps the players (all of them, even the unjuiced one), but it doesnt help the game at all.
john h
2008-04-14 18:22:32 UTC
Of course 75 % of all athletes , including the olypics , take a look at the necks of these athletes ,they look like a bull moose in the Rut season ..
Rohan P
2008-04-14 22:37:16 UTC
I think that around 40-50% of them do. Its to get a edge I am both a soccer fan and a MMA fan and I don't have the talent to do soccer the ablity to chase my dream of being a MMA, and if some one offered me away to do either I would take.
2008-04-14 18:48:44 UTC
that's a pretty general questions, but between illegal prescriptions and steroids as well as anything from weed to heroin, yes yes I do.... maybe not heroin, but then i could see a curler or one of those flag gymnast athletes being whacked out on heroin... I mean c'mon you'd almost have to be.
2008-04-15 12:01:08 UTC
Alot do I'm sure..performance enhancing and recreational..pretty sure there's also stuff that leagues ban that the average person on the street is allowed to use, which doesn't make sense..

I think professional atheletes should be allowed to use steroids during the off-season if they like, they must be clean for the games or the fight though..
2016-05-16 04:15:56 UTC
If you have no notion on how to cook tasty meals. If you are boarded of the identical foods and want to consider some thing different but in the same time healthful than you want a program
2008-04-15 09:21:31 UTC
many athletes do use steroids and growth hormones and many don't, patrick cote doesn't look like he does at all, with some its a bit obvious and when they test positive its no surprise.

i don't think they should be illegal though, we all can make choices in our lives and every choice has its consequences.
2008-04-15 06:53:55 UTC
if everyone could use them... i have no problems with it.

However... the reason why EVERYONE doesn't use them...

is obvious!??? It does 1) Long term harm to the body.

2) And can easily be abused.

They are also in the spot light.

They are mentors to a lot of people.

They should look at themselves as "good examples"?

just my thoughts

Lil Lucy
2008-05-13 11:23:22 UTC
I think it's completely wrong and I do think the majority of prof. athletes do use them. When drugs are in use, it is no longer their natural ability, and isn't that what makes them a prof. and not me?
2008-04-14 19:08:27 UTC
Yes. 80-90%
B_L_ N
2008-04-14 18:32:26 UTC
Of some type, yes!, but who cares?! If there continues to be testing, why hasn't Tennis been selected? I mean, Serena Williams looks like Mike Tyson, and Dominika C like Rocky Balboa!
Robin B
2008-04-16 18:15:23 UTC
No i don't think most take drugs ( performance and recreational) but i do think overall it is a higher average than the general population.
2008-05-02 02:29:57 UTC
i don't think so, because most of them when they won a medal they are often asked undergo a drug test and if it's positive then medal won't be theirs. i think it's kind of risky and it's definitely not worth it. You'll lose more than you gain.
2008-04-15 13:32:20 UTC
As matter of fact,drug use in sports is not a good act at all.This is because,when one performs under the influence of drugs,the fellow is not exhibiting his true effort as far as sports is concerned.

About professional athletes, I can say that the majority of them do not perform under drugs.As a gestalt psychologist, I can say that if their performance is under drugs,they would not have reached this far.This is due to the fact that they may not have been able to repeat their performances at different competitions.Any athlete who uses drugs can never put up his best without taking drugs.Therefore, any athlete who has been able to put up a constant performance for a very long time is a good athlete without any drug.

Also,sports men who use drugs quickly become feeble and end their career suddenly.this is as a result of the effect of the drugs on them.
2008-04-14 18:22:04 UTC
I'd say that some do but not all. Not every person is the same. Some people are just weak and can't handle stress and not being number one so they cheat. Staying true is most important.
Enthusiastic Atheist
2008-04-15 11:02:15 UTC
It is cheating, plain and simple. These athletes should be banned for life from their sports.
Al V
2008-04-14 18:42:50 UTC
2008-04-15 09:29:07 UTC
Absolutely!!! If you think otherwise your head is buried in the sand. As the testing becomes more stringent the drugs become more sophisticated.
2008-04-14 18:41:11 UTC
Id say the majority in many sports.
2008-05-04 12:57:07 UTC
Nobody should use drugs! It f*cking retarded! Unless your doctor tells you too for your health. Not to mess your a** up! You know what i'm saying?
2008-04-14 18:47:41 UTC
Yes i do in most sports.
kim b
2008-04-17 14:02:28 UTC
No because it would be pretty stupid to do it now that there is so many different test to check if there is drugs in the body just ask Shawn Sherk who was just suspend from MMA from them finding drugs in the system.
WOW! You've earned 41 points
2008-04-15 09:21:44 UTC
i think most of them use them and dont get caught. and really whats the difference, they are celebritites. Our actors and Musicians use drugs during "work" so why do we care if athletes do too
2008-04-15 03:52:58 UTC
no most athletes do not use drugs only because they get tested for it.....
2008-04-14 20:24:46 UTC
I think drugs, are horrible for people that play sports, It kills your lungs, and ur vision weak ins
2008-04-15 12:12:13 UTC
in fact i have studied this, i am 60 yrs old, drugs in sports ie olympics too is a testing ground for the army. use it on the best see how much better they can perform, drug companies make zillions, pot is better
heather n
2008-05-09 05:52:15 UTC
i really dont think its a better idea to use that cause its unhealthy and theres a way bigger chance that you may get introuble depending on the kind of drug. I would say that lots of them use it but thats only to keep some of them active and muscly. the rest try to there best ability to keep performing proffesionally and its better that way and much safer. Bigger health problems come later in age after using that certain drug over periods of time
2008-04-15 05:40:57 UTC
It is so unfair, they will be competing against naturally trained athletes who works so hard to get where they are.
2008-04-15 06:14:47 UTC
Yes! Most people who aren't in sports do, so why wouldn't someone with a phat paycheck???
brooke s
2008-04-15 05:57:53 UTC
I dont think most use illegal drugs, but i think they are too reliant on suppliments.
Ian B
2008-04-14 19:08:26 UTC
dominique m
2008-04-14 18:47:38 UTC
I would not say soé Although some of them might use drugs to enhance their ability. It is important not to think that all of them do.
2008-04-15 13:19:11 UTC
I think that using enhancing drugs is cheating and plain and simple cheaters never win because they are only cheating themselves.

I can not imagine taking a gold medal and knowing that I had cheated to get there. How empty.
2008-04-14 19:01:28 UTC
drugs are bad in general

and yes,i think the question is who doesnt
2008-04-14 18:23:11 UTC
it is bad and I don't think that pro athletes take drugs
2008-05-10 19:20:08 UTC
I have to say its probably about 60% not using about 40% using. I think that players shouldn't be allowed to compete if they are using steriods
2008-04-19 07:53:12 UTC
Well I dont think that most use illegal drugs.

But really I could care less. I pay to see wins and outstanding plays. If they want to dope up to play in that league, then that is there business.

IF you aren't good enough to be there and you chose to cheat.Well I really dont care, it is there own life they are ruining for my and your almighty dollar.

Funny how you cant pray in church or at sports anymore, but on the back of every dollar, it says "In God We Trust"

Kind of makes you wonder why they call in MONotheism

Sound like the belief in one money. Lol
Pat P
2008-04-14 19:02:47 UTC
depends on the sport. very prevalent in football. may not be as prevelent in sports where you have to make weight although it is still used
2016-02-15 07:26:49 UTC
Ejaculation can be considered premature when it occurs 30 seconds to 4 minutes into sex, depending on different cultures, countries and experts. Behavioural techniques can help you delay orgasm. Learn here

These include the start-and-stop method and the squeeze technique. A combination of these techniques along with sexual counselling and medication (either using an anaesthetic cream or an oral tablet) is recommended.
2008-04-15 09:28:08 UTC
It is cheating, drugs wear off.
Ben T
2008-05-12 20:55:29 UTC
They get tested so, no they probably don't use them now. Some probably do though but they get caught. I think it is cheating plus it is really bad for there health.
2014-09-27 01:29:09 UTC
In sports there are repeating patterns and trends that make teams win or loose. you can definitely make money if you follow a system and use a good betting software. One good site you can test for free is
Todd A
2008-04-15 07:37:07 UTC
Only the lazy ones
2008-04-15 14:02:09 UTC
Drug use in sports=%x progrees +%x faster death
2008-04-14 18:50:08 UTC
...yes, to a certain extent (including blood doping). I mean, not only for performance enhancement but also for socializing and recreations.
Michael D
2008-04-14 18:39:42 UTC
I think most use drugs.
Karl J
2008-04-15 00:34:24 UTC
Not all but some. Some people, doesn't matter what the profession, will do anything to win.
2008-04-14 18:54:03 UTC
YES !!!

Cheating is an inherent character of the human element.
2008-04-14 14:00:19 UTC
I think it's stupid. People on drugs do stuff they wouldn't normally do. who knows, somebody on drugs might hurt another person due to thier attitude change.
2008-04-18 19:42:14 UTC
Yes, all pros. in sport use something, it has become the norm.

Why..? Well, everyone wants to be the best, and this world has become "you're no good if you are not the best"... so where does that leave us all..? Therefore "we" tend to look for other ways of obtaining "getting" to be the best, without thinking of the ways that "they" will (eventually) kill us..
valerie t
2008-04-15 07:24:51 UTC
unfortunately is an other example of how we let drugs invade all parts of society....can we stop it....I don't think so
2016-02-15 19:26:30 UTC
Many of the causes of erectile dysfunction are actually psychological. Understand that this is not the same as saying that it’s all in your head, because it’s not. Learn here

Psychological issues can easily lead to a variety of very real physical ailments. If that surprises you, it shouldn’t. Stress can lead to heart disease, so why can’t other psychological issues lead to ED? It’s a pretty common, fairly well understood phenomenon.

Stress is, in fact, one of the leading causes of ED, which makes it a particularly nasty condition (because it also can lead to heart troubles, so it hits you twice). Long before stress kills you though, it will impact your sex life in a major, and entirely negative way.
2008-04-15 14:32:06 UTC
i think it destroys fights/fighters,and gives the fanbase/up-n-comers a reason to use substances/anabolic steroid needles & they think its ok cause one of their favorite fighters(chuck liddell joking)uses drugs. Yes cause they do,and No Cause i wanna see serra and chuck fight in the future,lol
2008-04-14 17:56:51 UTC
You should'nt

It gives you an unfair advantage and you'll pay for it later (overdose, abuse etc.)
2008-04-15 09:29:17 UTC
50-50. You cant think that is isn't. Realistically, you can't think anything else.
pat p
2008-04-15 08:53:03 UTC
Lloyd F
2008-04-14 19:14:44 UTC
2008-04-14 18:42:51 UTC
2008-04-14 20:32:46 UTC
my opinion is it is weak, (mentally) & dangerous (physically) eating healthy (VEGAN!) & excercising, fresh air & sunshine makes u stronger (mentally & physically)
Aaron j
2008-04-15 07:45:23 UTC
most anyone with that rock hard body is on something !!
2008-04-14 19:05:32 UTC
2008-05-02 14:50:45 UTC
I say let them use steroids.
Jessica S
2008-04-14 19:27:29 UTC
i think you have to . because to bulk up. to keep pace .but should never abuse it. it will catch up to you.
2008-04-15 08:19:12 UTC
Most do and its a shame!!!!
2008-04-21 01:08:06 UTC
only the weak ones
2008-04-14 19:21:41 UTC
some do and some don't
2008-04-14 19:03:23 UTC
2008-04-17 13:59:15 UTC
2008-04-14 16:50:04 UTC
i say no no no
2008-04-15 01:33:56 UTC

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